It's a brand new day

It's a brand new day
Planting the seeds of love

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wisdom on a full moon

Wisdom is one of those elusive thing you hear about in your 20's, comes in spurs all thru your 30's, becomes part of your vocabulary in your 40's and apparently you master in your 60's.  As much as I would love to make wisdom part of my every move and thought, just like most 30 + years old, I have moments of it where I feel I see the light and all make sense.  

This week's moment came as a result of a not so nice phone call that sent me back to planet "you have been dumped and therefore are not my girlfriend anymore"reality.  I was getting too comfortable with this "friendship" that lead nowhere other then to hope when I need to stay on track towards moving on" ville.  I remembered a whole lot wisdom quotes I have read this past 6 months, pick up my dignity off the floor and decided to put "letting go" on my speed dial just in case I needed to be reminded....

Quotes I love:

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
~ Unknown

Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair. However you must keep smiling and moving on.
~ Tom Jackson

By forgiving and choosing to move on, one takes the power back to morph it into positive energy.
~ Eugenia Tripputi

Courage is not the absence of fear, but simply moving on with dignity despite that fear.
~ Coach Pat Riley

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