It's a brand new day

It's a brand new day
Planting the seeds of love

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weddings, Flips and personal flops

There is not much to report lately other then these mixed feelings as wedding season is in full fledge starting next week... Because I need to live my life and learn how to feel and trust again, I am putting my  best foot forward and will do my best to enjoy all the love and happiness these weddings are celebrating.  At the end of the day, when you are hurting, going outside your own self is the best therapy.

Now... One more thing I am letting go: Ex's flip flops and painting he left here are on their way to him courtesy of the US Postal Service.  Not sure why I took so long to do so but the timing felt right.
Letting go more and more because I realized holding on is not serving me.  Letting go seems to always be associated with giving up and defeat but in this case, I firmly believe that if you let go, set it all free, you give it a chance to come back to you.  Every time I start to focus on what I don't have and feel bad, something comes along to remind me how fortunate I am.  I also realized that although no one is in love with me at the moment (unless I have a secret admirer), I have so much love all around. Much to be grateful for.

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