It's a brand new day

It's a brand new day
Planting the seeds of love

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Losing all hope = freedom

In our western culture, hopelessness is often seen as a synonym for desperation but as I keep reading the works of Pema Chodron, I am starting to realize as Chuck Palahniuk, author of the Fight Club writes in chapter 2 of the book, "This was freedom.  Losing all hope was freedom.".  Who knew Fight Club and a buddhist monk could have the same philosophy?

Pema Chodron says in When Things Fall Apart:  Heartfelt Advice for Difficult Times: 
"If we are willing to give up hope that insecurity and pain can be exterminated, then we can have the courage to relax with the groundlessness of our situation.  This is the first step on the path.  If there is no interest in stepping beyond hope and fear, then there is no meaning in taking refuge in the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha.  Taking refuge in Buddha, dharma, and sangha is about giving up hope of getting ground under our feet.  We are ready to take refuge when this style of teaching whether we feel completely up to it or not is like hearing something hauntingly familiar, like the experience of a child meeting its mother after a long separation.   Hopelessness is the basic ground.  Otherwise, we are going to make the journey with the hope of getting security.  If we make the journey to get security, we are completely missing the point.  We can do our meditation practice with the hope of getting security; we can study the teachings with the hope of getting security; we can follow all the guidelines and instructions with the hope of getting security; but it will only lead to disappointment and pain.  We could save ourselves a lot of time by taking this message very seriously right now.  Begin the journey without hope of getting ground under your feet.  Begin with hopelessness."

Author and Buddhist Monk Pema Chodron

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