It's a brand new day

It's a brand new day
Planting the seeds of love

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

At his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself.

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Someone Like You: The video

Adele's Someone Like You, shot in my hometown of Paris, simply elegant and heartfelt.

Living in the land of the free

The word freedom kept on coming back in my thoughts this weekend.  After a week up in San Fran and Palo Alto, I headed to Vegas to celebrate a close friend's birthday and we had a blast.  When in SF, I felt free from the spell onto which I had been under, i.e associating my travels with my former relationship.  Being busy really help, it gave me a sense of purpose and pride as I could hold my own in a city I did not call home.  In Las Vegas, watching all the couples together made me reminisce of the days I too walked hand in hand with a loved one but it also made me yearn for the day I would celebrate my freedom.  Although this might come across as such a strange statement, I really look forward to the day I feel liberated from this feeling of "missing out" and really embrace all the wonderful things and people in my life.  Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the wonderful energy and love my friends shower me with but I also still feel the void left by the break-up.  Still shaken at the core, I still struggle to move into the light of the "what will be" versus "what was".  The best remedy seem simple: take care of myself, give myself my own undivided care and attention.  Sounds a bit selfish in theory but the way I look at it is basic: If I can be my own rock, stand strong and tall, I free myself from the dependency on others for feeling, loving and all around compassion.

Freedom = peace

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mama said there would be days like this...

What happens when you combine a full moon on the 13th? Not such a good day today.
Started with my car hitting a pole, followed by a not so nice, "wow my job is in jeopardy" call but ended with some good news on a project I have been working on.  Time to get some sleep, tomorrow is a new and I hope wonderful day!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Enough is enough is not just a Barbra Streisand, Donna Summer duet

It's been a truly busy week with lots of great meetings, awesome conversations and good overall feelings.  Even in times of crisis, I stayed calm and motored through.  Then came Friday. Phone rings, ex checking in, missing L.A he said... "Nice to hear from you and glad you miss the city of angels.  It's wonderful here and I would miss it too if I were you" I said.  Conversation was light and lovely.
Almost made me regret my wish not to speak nor hang with him till 2012.  With the holidays around the corner, the last thing I need, is to hear about his warm and cozy family holiday plans I am not a part of this year.  Tis the season not be feel bad about myself.  With further chat came that not so good feeling in your stomach as he made comments about not settling like all his friends did (as it turns out his last two single friends are now engaged).  "Wow" is all I could say as a feeling of hurt, anger and disappointment took over my body taken back by the statement.  "If dating me was settling, I hope you find what makes you happy I said".  Silence akwardness ensued as you can imagine.
So just when I needed that extra push to follow my gut instinct and create further distance between us, I got more then I bargained for.  It seems the more I hear from him the less I want to.  I rather remember what we had and wish for the love and passion I felt to translate into my work, friendships and future relationship when I am ready for that.

Who knew I would feel this way but I am starting to understand and remind myself that I deserve so much more.  As Donna & Barbara sung in the 70's, Enough is enough!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

2 weddings down, 2 to go!

Home sweet home after a fantastic weekend in Palm Beach, FL for my friend Josh and Jenna's wedding at the ever so glamourous Four Seasons Hotel right on the beach.  The bride was beautiful, the groom as happy as can be, the food delicious and the setting even more spectacular.  Got a chance to reconnect with friends, meet new ones and spend most of Saturday on the beach in the warm Atlantic ocean.  

If I were the kind of gal looking to date, this would have not been the wedding to go to... As it turned out, I was the only single person at this wedding... All couples!  Some married, some engaged and most living together.  Quite the perfect scene to discuss relationships.  The married gals spoke of stories of break-ups prior to an ultimate commitment from their guy.  The girlfriends spoke of longing to get married after long engagements, 3 years for one girl and 6 for another...!!  The boyfriends also had some interesting stories, the most compelling one came from Tim S. who after a break-up with his current girlfriend flew out to Jamaica to a wedding they were both suppose to attend with a ring and a proposal only to be turned down..!  WOW, I was floored hearing that story.  For the most part, I had a great time speaking with everyone especially with the families of the groom and bride.  I heart old people's wisdom.

The only time I felt alone was during dancing. I could not quite pull off dancing by myself.  I got sad for a sec and shook it off when Steve, one of the guys at my table came to check on me.  Like a sign from the universe not to dwell in sad things that have not manifested but rather enjoy joyous occasions and time with friends.  We kept the party going until 2:35 am! Quite painful to wake up at 6 am for an 8 am flight I must admit.  

The best words of wisdom came from the rabbi marrying the couple.  He said there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, echoing further the stories I had heard all weekend.  But rather, love is something you work at in every relationship especially the one you have with yourself.  Wise words...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quote from Pema Chodron

August 31, 2011
If we were to make a list of people we don’t like—people we find obnoxious, threatening, or worthy of contempt—we would find out a lot about those aspects of ourselves that we can’t face. If we were to come up with one word about each of the troublemakers in our lives, we would find ourselves with a list of descriptions of our own rejected qualities, which we project onto the outside world. The people who repel us unwittingly show us the aspects of ourselves that we find unacceptable, which otherwise we can’t see. They mirror us and give us the chance to befriend all of that ancient stuff that we carry around like a backpack full of granite boulders.